We are the stable basis of our projects. Our approach is holistic. We know the process, the regulations, and the materials. We are the conception which connects everything – from the idea, through the spatial plan, the permissions, and the construction, to the last detail of the façade. We apply creative thinking for you, from the beginning to the end.
Investment Projects
The beginning is not always difficult. If you wonder how to start construction with minimal efforts, we are the response. We take the responsibility for the coordination between the projects and the execution of all the procedures in the interested institution. Thus, we provide the full set of documents for the issuance of a Construction Permission.
Author’s Supervision
Yes, the final result can be just the way you imagine it. We are with you during the whole investment process to guarantee that. We discuss the façade formation with you and follow your idea. Together with the project, you receive our expert’s recommendations for the materials, the way of execution, the colours, the details, etc. We control and realize the projects thinking about your requirements and budget.
O-1Изработване на подробен устройствен план (ПУП-ПРЗ) и технически инвестиционен проект (ТИП) за "сграда със смесено предназначение с подземен гараж и магазини за промишлени стоки в партера" - "CITY RESIDENCE" - в ПИ 602.576 по кадастралната карта на гр. Бургас. В обща разгъната застроена площ от над 22 000 кв.м. са решени два сутеренни и осем надземни етажа. Сградата е разделена на три входа - "А", "Б" и "В". По етажи с разнообразни разпределения са предложени апартаменти с една, две и три спални, както и няколко студия, с оглед на близостта на имота с новопостроената болница "Сърце и мозък". Двата сутеренни етажа са с достъп съгласно нормативната уредба от двулентова рампа и допълнителен автомобилен асансьор. Спазени са всички изисквания за пожарна безопасност и достъпна среда за сградата. Дизайнът на сградата е модерен, с "френски" прозорци, стъклени парапети и облицовъчни материали, имитиращи дърво и бетон. Проектите на сградата са приключени през есента на 2023 г., като се очаква получаване на разрешение за строеж в края на 2023 г, след приключване на процедурите по одобряване на документацията от заинтересованите страни и органи.
T-2Подробен устройствен план (ПУП-ПРЗ) за обединяване на два УПИ и последващ технически инвестиционен проект (ТИП) за "Сграда със смесено предназначение с подземен паркинг, гаражи, магазин за промишлени стоки, магазин за хранителни стоки, офиси, апартаментен хотел, жилища и ФЕЦ на покрива в устройствена зона 13/Смф по ОУП на гр. Бургас" С проектното решение се предлага застройката да се реализира като свободностояща сграда на осем етажа. В първия са предвидени нежилищни обекти - гаражи, магазини и офис, във втория - офиси, а в следващите - апартаменти с разнообразно разпределение, с една две и три спални и площи между 50 и 200 кв.м. Осигурено е паркиране на 128 автомобила - при необходими 126 паркоместа съгласно Наредба №РД-02-20-2 от 20.12.2017 г., от които 104 независимо паркиране за обектите за обитаване и 24 зависимо паркиране за обектите за обществено обслужване. В сградата са разположени и места за велосипеди - 164 броя - от които 16 броя на терен, клас II, и 148 броя клас I в сутерен и в общи помещения. Сградата е с плоски покриви и модерен дизайн, като фасадата е решена с мазилки и облицовъчни клинкерни плочи, дограма цвят графит и парапети от ламинирано стъкло с алуминиев профил и ръкохватка в цвета на дограмата. Работата по проектите е приключена през м. август, 2023 г., като се очаква издаване на разрешение за строеж през есента на 2023 година, след приключване на процедурите по одобрение на документацията от РД ПБЗН, РЗИ, ЕВН, ВИК и Община Бургас.
ТУИДА ХОУМСЦялостно проектиране на жилищна сграда в кв. 41 по плана на ж.к. Славейков, гр. Бургас. Общата РЗП е над 3500 кв.м. На партерно ниво са разположени аптека, фризьорски салон, офис и два апартамента, както и необходимото общо помещение. В петте етажа са решени комфортни жилища, с една, две и три спални. В сутерена на сградата са осигурени 26 паркоместа. Проектите са приключени през есента на 2019 година, като се очаква строителството да започне през зимата на 2019/2020 г. и да приключи през 2021 г.
"E25"Overall design of a one-family residential building in Mineralni Bani Villa Zone, the town of Burgas, with a total built-up area of 360 sq.m, The first floor consists of a living-room with a kitchen and a dining-room, a bedroom, a dressing-room, a study, a stokehold, and a toilet. A covered poach in front of the living-room. The second floor is planned with three bedrooms – each one with a wardrobe, and a bathroom with a toilet. The clear height of the premises is 2.80 m., and the constructive one - 3.00. The finishing works of the façade are planned with polished tiles of travertine, scratched coating and decorative elements from EPS. The projects were delivered to our clients in April, 2019.
Z7Цялостно проектиране и дизайн на бутикова жилищна сграда в ж.к. Зорница, гр. Бургас. В обща РЗП от около 800 кв.м. са решени шест паркоместа, два офиса и четири апартамента. Работата по проекта приключи през м. Октомври 2019 г., като се очаква строителството да започне в началото на 2020 г.
Casa "E"Designs of all parts of a project for a mixed-use building in Regulated land plot No. II, 'Pod Shoseto' area in Burgas. The property is located in a mixed-use zone with maximum admissible parameters as follows: intensity of construction coefficient ≤4.0, density ≤60%, landscaping ≥20%, height ≤21.0 m. The building has two parts: part A, having more of a residential function, and part B – containing a fast-food restaurant, a gym and a hotel consisting of flats, and adjacent service rooms - a laundry room, a reception area etc. It is organised on two underground and seven overground floors, with a total built-up area of over 22,000 sq.m. Parking and transport services are fully provided within the boundaries of the land plot - an underground car park on two levels, with a total area of about 6,000 sq.m., and parking spaces for more than 165 cars. Access to the underground floors is in full compliance with the normative fire safety requirements - with a two-lane and one-lane ramp. Part B has separate garages on the ground floor and 24 additional parking spaces on the site. The commercial part of Part A has a total area of 3,000 sq.m., with several independent shops, a chemist's and a café. The grocery shop and the chemist's are accessible from the street. Above the second level in the commercial zone, we designed a roof garden and overhead lighting, both for the commercial part and to improve the atmosphere for the residents. There are predominantly two- and three-room flats, and their distribution is in line with the layout of the building. The unfavourable zones, such as the ones along the party wall of the building, are storage rooms to meet the needs of the residents. All requirements for public access for people with disabilities have been met. The exterior design is modern, using stone, wood, glass and plaster. All flats are lit by means of large windows. The air-conditioning units are hidden behind decorative frames in a wooden colour. Three visualizations are applied and processed on drone photos of the specific location of the building. We have created additional colourful presentations for our customers, together with an interior layout of a typical flat. We expect the construction to begin in the winter of 2017/2018 and to end in 2019.
LZ 22Architecture, exterior design and visualization of a residential building in Lazur residential district, Burgas. The building falls into the 'For residential use' area with high-rise building, with the following building parameters: intensity of construction coefficient <3.0, height - up to 15.00 m and density <80%. It consists of an underground level with nine parking spaces, a ground floor with shops and five floors with two- and three-bedroom flats. The total built-up area is 1,495 sq.m, and the total built-up area according to the SPA - 1,056 sq.m. The project was submitted to the Principal in May 2018.
"Dawn"Complete design of a residential building in Slaveykov Residential district, sq. 15 on the plan of Burgas. The total built-up area is over 4,600 sq.m., the intensity of construction coefficient achieved is 3.0, which is the maximum possible for the Жг2 zone under the General Site Development Plan of Burgas. There are seven residential floors, with parking fully provided in the underground garage and above-ground as separate garage cells and open parking spaces - a total of 53. There are two shops for industrial goods on the ground floor. All regulatory requirements for an accessible environment for people with disabilities and for fire safety are fulfilled. All project parts were coordinated with the interested parties and a Building Permit was issued in August 2017. The construction work is expected to be completed in 2018. Equipment and complete renovation.
"Pearl" #8A complete architectural and interior design of a restaurant and visualization of a typical apartment of two multifamily residential buildings in Regulated land plots I and II, sq. 4 on the plan of Zornitsa Residential district, Burgas, with a total built-up area of 17,525 sq.m. The buildings are located in zone Жг under the General Site Development Plan of Burgas. Pursuant to the Detailed development plan and the Regulation and construction plan, approved by Mayoral order of 28 April 2017, the admissible height of the larger building is 39.00 m, and that of the smaller one - 24.00 m. The Land plot I construction parameters comply with Art. 27, Para. 3 of the Spatial Development Act, and those of Land plot II are: intensity of construction coefficient ≤3.0, density ≤60%, and landscaping ≥20%. On the ground floor, there is a medical centre with a capacity of up to 96 visitors and a Bistro restaurant, designed by us in a Mediterranean style. The residential premises vary from small two-room flats to spacious three- four- or five-room flats. Access is provided for disabled people, including an accessible flat and parking spaces, in accordance with the regulations. The exterior design corresponds to the architecture of the other buildings in the Perla complex, with several new and refreshing details. On two underground levels sharing a common entrance from both land plots, there is a car park with a total area of more than 3,700 sq.m. Designs were for all parts, including the replacement of existing water and sewerage infrastructure and the construction of a new street in the area, coordinating the documentation with all the responsible institutions. Construction on both properties is expected to begin in the autumn of 2017. In addition to the design, we have also prepared a colour catalogue with the layouts by entrances and levels to provide the investor with the opportunity to present the building to their clients. The investor has submitted an investment plan to the Burgas Municipality for the construction of a municipal parking lot, a children's playground and a street with an adjoining parking lot, at their own expense. The total value of the investment, by aggregated indices, will be over 500,000 BGN and there will be 185 new parking spaces for the residents in this part of the Zornitsa Residential district.
"Downtown"Complete design, incl. exterior of a residential building in the centre of Burgas close to the 'St. Cyril and St. Methodius' square and the church of the same name. The total built-up area is 1,270 sq.m. The exterior is modern, the façade is designed to be of stone, wood and glass. Exterior LED lights are provided in hidden channels. There are two customer service sites on the ground floor: a bistro and a café. The next floors consist of two- and three-room flats, and the top two floors are 'penthouse-type' flats. It has a beam-free skeleton structure with a flat roof with sloping sections on both sides towards the two party walls of the Regulated land plot. All requirements for an accessible environment and for fire safety have been met. The projects were handed over to the investor in January 2018. We expect the construction to begin in the coming months and end in 2019.
"Allure"The complete design of three buildings in neighbouring properties, located at: 1 and 3 Perushtitsa St, Burgas. The total built-up area of the buildings is about 2,000 sq.m., with two- and three-bedroom flats, offices, parking spaces in an underground garage common to both land plots and separate garages on the ground floor. All projects were prepared and coordinated with the relevant control authorities, the building permit was obtained, and the construction work began in the spring of 2017.
"Serenity"A single-family residential building in the village of Medovo, Pomorie Municipality, in a Mediterranean style, with a total built-up area of 305 sq.m. It consists of an underground part, which has technical and storage premises, first floor with a living room, a kitchenette, two bedrooms, a study, a bathroom and a covered veranda, and a second floor designed as one large bedroom with all facilities: a bathroom, a toilet and a terrace. This design was completed in 2017. The construction work began on 20 June 2017.
"Sunrise"A complete design, architectural and all the engineering parts, of three separate residential buildings in the Lahana area, Pomorie Municipality. Two of the buildings are of the same type, with an area of 165 sq.m, and the third one is 147 sq.m. The difference between the three is in the number of bedrooms - the smaller house has only two. The projects were completed, approved, and a building permit was issued in early 2016.
"Sky Building"A complete design of a mixed-use building with a martial arts hall, located in Meden Rudnik residential district, Burgas, with a total built-up area of 40,000 sq.m. The building is divided into two bodies - Body 1 and Body 2 - structurally independent but functionally connected. Within the regulated land plot, a two-level underground car park is provided, with access from two-lane and one-lane ramps, as well as a partial third level with access via a ramp from the adjacent street. There is an aparthotel, a residential area, a sports hall and a ground level with public service functions - shops, a bakery, children's centre and a fast-food restaurant. In the residential part, there are 276 flats of various layouts - predominantly two- and three-room flats, and in the hotel part there are 104 flats. Approximately 300 parking spaces are provided within the property, out of below 280 required under Ordinance No. 02. All requirements for accessibility for disabled people have been met. The design includes the required flats with suitable equipment as well as the necessary parking spaces of the respective sizes. A fire extinguishing system is provided on the underground level. All the evacuation and fire protection requirements of the current regulations of the 'Fire Safety and Protection of the Population' General Directorate are complied with. The finishing works on the façades will be done with plaster; the volumes will be partially assembled with decorative elements. The roof of the sports hall will be a metal-and-glass construction with a headroom of 6 m. The designs were submitted to the Investor in June 2018, and construction is expected to begin in the coming months.